Ten-cent Solutions Pte Ltd is
a growth-orientated Commercial Renovation supply & services company in Singapore that strives for quality excellence in our product and services.
We provide a range of commercial
and residential solutions:
1) Maintenance
2) Renovation
3) Reinstatement
4) Repair & Troubleshooting
Today we are helping our customers
both large and small to
provide solutions, customize services and essential maintenance.
Our primary objective is to deliver premium product and services.
We do this through:
Our people
Our clear and focused selection
Our approach and our attitude to service


We provide a wide range of Maintenance service to keep your shop at tip-top conditions. 1) Air con Servicing 2) Lighting Maintenance 3) Electrical Maintenance 4) Furniture Varnishing

We provide a full range of Renovation services: 1) Carpentry 2) Electrical 3) Aircon 4) Flooring 5) Painting 6) Wall Paper

Do you have problems with your electrical circuits, air-con, door-levers? We provide handyman services to settle all those irritating problems for you.

We provide a wide range of Maintenance service to keep your shop at tip-top conditions. 1) Air con Servicing 2) Lighting Maintenance 3) Electrical Maintenance 4) Furniture Varnishing